Tapping that email gusher

> Weekly update for Jul 9, 2014
> Hi Amol! Welcome to your Conspire update.
> Below is a summary of your email activity over the past week, along with insights about how you and your contacts communicate.
> Conspire is connected to [email protected]. To connect other email accounts or manage your Conspire account, sign in at www.goconspire.com.
> Message Volume
> 314 sent
> 9
> 9
> 84
> 64
> 63
> 57
> 28
> W Th F Sa Su M Tu
> 154
> 158
> 58
> 161
> 162
> 779 received
> 45
> 41
> Contacts *
> 103
> contacts emailed
> this week
> 14
> new contacts
> this week
> 3,705
> contacts
> lifetime
> Alex Goldberg
> John Gannon
> Deborah Berebichez
> Tonia John
> · · ·
> Jordan Shlain MD
> Steffi Brinkmann
> Dave Morin
> Rajeshkattuvila
> · · ·
> Edward Shenderovich
> Alex Goldberg
> Urs Wynhoven
> Lee von Kraus
> · · ·
> * A contact is someone to whom you’ve sent at least one message and from whom you’ve received at least one message
> Top Contact – Alex Goldberg
> You sent
> 25 messages this week
> 1,311 messages last 6 months
> 1,781 messages lifetime
> Alex sent
> 19 messages this week
> 1,309 messages last 6 months
> 1,778 messages lifetime
> Runners-up
> You sent
> They sent
> John Gannon
> 12 messages
> 16 messages
> Deborah Berebichez
> 12 messages
> 11 messages
> Tonia John
> 10 messages
> 9 messages
> Lee von Kraus
> 9 messages
> 15 messages
> Response Time *
> You took
> 7.3 hours to respond
> Your contacts took
> 6.5 hours to respond
> Top contacts
> You took
> They took
> Alex Goldberg
> 3.5 h
> 19.9 h
> John Gannon
> 22.5 h
> 7.9 h
> Deborah Berebichez
> 2.6 h
> 7.0 h
> Tonia John
> 3.4 h
> 0.4 h
> Lee von Kraus
> 2.9 h
> 12.6 h
> * How long, on average, you and your contacts took to respond to one another’s messages, when you responded
> Response Rate *
> You responded
> 30.0% of the time
> Your contacts responded
> 44.0% of the time
> Top contacts
> You responded
> They responded
> Alex Goldberg
> 50%
> 35%
> John Gannon
> 50%
> 25%
> Deborah Berebichez
> 78%
> 58%
> Tonia John
> 56%
> 70%
> Lee von Kraus
> 47%
> 75%
> * Fraction of messages from your contacts to which you responded and vice versa
> Losing Touch
> Usually email them every
> Haven’t emailed them in
> Conall Arora
> 5 days
> 36 days
> Hanifa Scully
> 5 days
> 43 days
> Also losing touch
> Usually email them every
> Haven’t emailed them in
> Jason Lehmbeck
> 5 days
> 30 days
> Eugene Lee
> 7 days
> 54 days
> Michael Muller
> 4 days
> 42 days
> Gary Levitt
> 5 days
> 30 days
> Conspire
> 1910 Pearl St.
> Boulder, CO 80302
> Don’t want to receive this email anymore? Unsubscribe.

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