I assumed the legendary and best selling Peter Drucker was a lightweight (wrong ) without reading him (mistake) mostly because he is popular (eg nimrods like him).
Now I am reading him because Bezos recommends _The Effective Executive_. Worth doing!
First key concepts.
1. Executives are people who work with knowledge and make decisions, coordinating their work with others. Their output is performance. We are all executives now, though in 1967 this was an early mega trend.
2. You can be more effective by using techniques. A wide variety of personality types can be effective, observes D. Believe it.
3. How? Do five things:
– manage time because time sucks abound
– focus on output not work effort
– build on strengths don’t play defense
– do the top impact things. Ignore rest
– decide things with the right process, care, and time.
More on a these soon.