Last minute culture

I wrote this post half a year ago and didn’t post it yet. It’s still so true. Even more true posted later than late.

Arriving in London today I don’t have a hotel for tonight. The plan is: find out where dinner is then use HotelTonight.

Yesterday we ran a complicated conference called Inbox Awesome for 150 people, and one of our main speakers was totally dark until 4 minutes ahead of his speaking slot. Arrives. Uses bathroom. Then asks if he can present from his laptop. No… Solution: wifi/USB stick — it was all fine.

430pm: “hey I will be there by 5 for my slot. Just whipping up my talk now can I send you the pdf when I get there?” Sure. Making presentations has gotten faster, sending them is easy. Cool.

Everything seems to work out for the LastMinutists.

Phone, Internet, Maps, Emails, wifi, send it again, point to a webpage and re download the video… Tech lets you do it later.

Another guy emailed 830am for the 9am start to say “hey don’t I have a demo table? Please call me” Last we heard from this dude was weeks prior when we invited him. Please call me? You must be joking.

LastMinutism works when you show up and JUST DO IT. It doesn’t work when you ask for a call.

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