Ideas from a week away

I’ve been away from home for about a week well 12 days now and here are
some things I’ve been thinking about and planning to read. I’ll check back
in a year and see how many of these new-year’s-eve ideas ended up being big
items for the 2015 agenda.


Would be cool to do an Alan Lomax style Cadillac-and-a-German-mic trip into
some cultural ferment and discover something great.

Read Edward St. Aubyn- maybe At Last or the first Patrick Melrose novel.
Update: not around as an ePub. Will get kindle.

Measure everything – try all the running, steps, food, sleep apps this week
or two.

Watch Willie Loman / Death of a Salesman. Update: can’t find the classic
80s movie version online.

Take a look at Paul Auster’s Winter Journal.

Swedenborg. Every intellectual of mid-19th C America was into Swedenborg.
It’s like Freudians of mid-20th century. Why?

Winter holidays reading list. Make one.

Vonnegut. Breakfast of champion. Timequake. Others to read? (Update: Read
Breakfast. Meh.)

Brian Christian. The Most Human Human. Re AI and Turing Test and how humans
talk beyond the content of their utterances (non-semantic content).

Oak a Room, Algonquin Hotel. Brunch 1130. Jazz at 1. New Yorker sidebar ad
from 2011. Wonder if it is still on?

Facing History School – JV with DOE and Facing History nonprofit.

The Uses of Enchantment. – Bruno Bettelheim. Sondheim and others drew on
this 70s landmark. – electro dough kit.

Npw. Tshirt printing workshop.

Neat stuff at Third Drawer Down — custom print placards — rock concert
signs, frisbees, stuffed animal with text.

“Technopoly: The Surrender of Culture to Technology.” Neil Postman.

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